The Reanimation Package of Reforms Set Priorities for the Next Two Years

March 17, 2016

Yesterday the coalition of civil society organisations of the Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR) held a meeting, during which the members of the coalition adopted the Strategy of the RPR for 2016 – 2017.

 As a result of the discussion, the Reanimation Package of Reforms defined 7 priorities:

  • Judicial reform; DSCF3201
  • Public service reform;
  • Reform of law enforcement agencies/ prosecution agencies;
  • Reform of election legislation;
  • Decentralisation;
  • Anticorruption reform;
  • Economic reform.


Strategy is the accomplishment and starting point introducing a new work procedure of the RPR. The uniqueness of the strategy is a new model of work aimed at creating policies in various areas. It includes the problem analysis, solution development, policy implementation and policy evaluation, “- rendered the project manager of Media Law Institute Viktor Artemenko.

In addition, he noted that the document systematises the techniques to achieve goals, such as advocacy and communication reform. Moreover, the emphasis lies on institutional capacity of the Reanimation Package of the Reform, since the coalition is not simply a group of experts, it is a platform of nongovernmental organisations joined together to achieve a greater synergy.


DSCF3209Besides at the meeting, four non-governmental organisations were granted by a vote a full member status of the Reanimation Package of Reforms. NGO “Telekritika”, the analytical centre “The Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting”, “National Ecological Centre of Ukraine” and “CCC Creative Centre” are now the members of the coalition.