Media law Disinformation as an instrument of foreign intervention into electoral process: a manifestation of lawfare Tetiana Avdieieva
Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity We are (not) happy to see you: what does the “…-friendly place” sign mean?
Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity 2021 Outcomes and 2022 Trends for Organizations, Partnerships, and Coalitions Ivan Omelian
Media law Freedom of expression: strangers’ commentaries, personal responsibility and ECtHR’s judgement Tetiana Avdieieva
Social media Compatibility of the Social Media Blocking with the European Standards on Freedom of Expression Tetiana Avdieieva
Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity Overview of the state and prospects of the charity development in Ukraine
Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity Legal Reforms Roadmap for Civil Society: this year’s accomplishments