The Media Law Institute joined the task force preparingthe National Debates-2014, to be broadcasted by the First National Channel from9 May 2014.
In particular, MLI lawyers consulted debates` organizers on thelegal requirements for the holding of debates.
Already on 28 April 2014, with MLI lawyer TarasShevchenko participation, the lots were cast among the candidates for the Presidentto define dates of their participation in the “National Debates-2014” programmelive on television.
So, candidates for the President of Ukraine will bedebating in the following order:
9 May – A. Grytsenko, O. Bogomolets, O. Klymenko;
10 May – P. Poroshenko, Z.Shkiryak, V. Tsushko;
11 May – O. Tyahnybok, V.Saranov, A. Grynenko;
16 May – Yu. Boyko, P. Symonenko;
17 May – D. Yarosh, V.Rabinovich, V. Kuybida;
18 May – М. Malomuzh, R. Kuzmin, O.Lyashko;
23 May – Yu. Tymoshenko, S. Tigipko, V. Konovalyuk.
Format of the debates includes5 blocks of discussion: internal and external policies, economics, socio-culturepolicy, as well as cross-questions of candidates to one another.
The project moderator is Mr Zurab Alasania, CEO of the “First National Channel”.