Nataliia Povtar speaks about legislation regarding volunteer activities

May 23, 2023

On May 18, CEDEM lawyer and Volunteering Development coordinator Nataliia Povtar spoke to the Community of Practitioners “Strengthening Volunteer Initiatives and CSOs” with the topic “Legislation on Volunteering: Rights, Responsibilities and Perspectives”. 

The event participants had the opportunity to learn about:

  • Normative-legal regulation of volunteer activities in Ukraine
  • Advantages and mechanism of concluding volunteering agreement between a volunteer and the organization that engages them
  • Expenses that can be reimbursed by the organization to the volunteer, and the scope thereof
  • Conditions for receiving a lump-sum cash payment in case of death of a volunteer as a result of military operations, and how the government deprived volunteers who provided assistance to the civilian population of the right to such assistance
  • Further plans of the expert community and the government for changes in the sphere of legislative regulation of volunteer activities.

You can see the answers to these questions in the recording below.

To recap, the government has deprived volunteers affected while providing assistance to the civilian population in the combat zone of the right to lump-sum monetary aid.

We urge you to support the petition demanding the restoration of this right for volunteers!