Media law A MALICIOUS ALLIANCE: How cyberattacks and disinformation are synchronously destabilizing the digital space of Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression
Independent Media Council Recommendation No.14. On how journalists can overcome professional burnout and form the sources of support
IMC Recommendation No. 11 for journalists on how to maintain their professional reputation working in owner-dependent media
Independent Media Council Recommendation No. 10. On how to prevent hate speech against protected groups and stereotypes in the media
Independent Media Council Recommendation No. 9. On how to write about religion, denominations and/or religious organizations
Independent Media Council IMC Recommendation No. 8. How a journalist / newsroom should take care of mental health and corporate communications
Independent Media Council IMC Recommendation No 6. Ukrainian terra incognita: how to write about the occupied Crimea without fakes and manipulations
IMC Recommendation №4 on enhancing and further developing the informational role of the national Public broadcaster