Workshops for mentors of CEDEM’s Mentorship Program

May 20, 2020

On May 8 and 14, 2020, the team of the Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law organized two workshops for mentors of the Mentorship Program to strengthen the advocacy capacity of civil society organizations from different parts of Ukraine, the training was held online.

The first workshop by trainer Viktoriia Mryshuk focused on the specifics of the mentoring process. The key issues of the workshop:

  1. Mentoring and other “supportive” professions (coach, psychotherapist, trainer, counselor): Commonalities and differences in building a relationship with a client
  2. Key principles of mentoring: Voluntariness, bi-directional process, confidentiality; Levels of mentor and mentee contract;
  3. Key stages in the mentor-mentee relationship;
  4. Mentor’s “Circle of Power”.

During the second workshop, Viktoriia Mryshuk, author and trainer, drew mentors’ attention to the use of a coaching approach in developing mentee capacity. Participants discussed: 

  1. Basic professional skills of a coach: technical, reflective and active listening;
  2. Possible challenges in using open-ended questions;
  3. Basic coaching models: 4R, Problem Solving Matrix, Success_Lessons_Changes.

The workshops were moderated by Olena Matviichuk, coordinator of СEDEM’s Mentorship Program

The Mentorship Program is implemented by the Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law (CEDEM) within the Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity, which is implemented in cooperation with the Consortium of the Initiative Center to Support Social Action “Ednannia” and Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR) with the sincere support of the American people through United States Agency for International Development (USAID).