What is a volunteering agreement?

July 10, 2023

It is a written contract between a volunteer and a nonprofit agency or organization that engages the volunteer. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering”, non-profit institutions and organizations can engage volunteers in their activities. Accordingly, it can be not only NGOs or charitable organizations, but also state and local self-government bodies!

As part of cooperation with the National Social Service of Ukraine, CEDEM has developed and offers templates of the volunteering agreement for public authorities (local self-government) and civil society organizations to be concluded with a volunteer! You can download the templates and learn more about the agreement here.


Volunteering agreement

Article 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering”


What is a volunteering agreement?

A written contract between a volunteer and an NGO or charitable organization, other non-profit organization or institution that engages him/her.


Why is it important to document your activities?

Clearly defined rights, responsibilities of the parties, volunteer’s tasks

Proper confirmation of the volunteer’s activities

Possibility to provide the volunteer with tax-free reimbursement of certain expenses 


The agreement is obligatory in the below cases:

Providing assistance in certain areas (para. 7-8 of Part3 of the Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering”)

Reimbursing expenses related to the provision of volunteer assistance

If the volunteer wishes to conclude it


The agreement must contain:

Description of the volunteer activity (task)

Period of volunteer activity

Rights and obligations of the parties

Responsibility for damages

Terms and conditions for terminating the agreement

Conditions and procedure for the reimbursement of expenses related to the provision of volunteer assistance, as defined in Part 1 of Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On Volunteering”

The material was prepared in cooperation with the National Social Service of Ukraine as part of the Project Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity implemented by the Initiative Center to Support Social Action “Ednannia” in partnership with the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research and Centre for Democracy and Rule of Law with the sincere support of the American people through United States Agency for International Development USAID Ukraine.