Experts from the Centre for Democracy and the Rule of Law are co-authors of the Law on Access to Public Information, which was recognized as one of the 10 best in the world at the time of its adoption in 2011. Since then, CEDEM has attached particular importance to the proper implementation of the Law through training for civil servants and citizens, developing a community of activists in the field and developing successful case law.
Working towards a quality implementation of the law on access to information, we monitor the enforcement of the law, conduct training for civil servants, judges, activists and journalists, and provide advice and engage in strategic litigation.
CEDEM has established and coordinates the Network of Defenders of the Right to Access Information, which aims to enhance knowledge and share experience. Within the Network, experienced lawyers, attorneys and active civic activists provide written and oral consultations and provide legal support for court cases to ensure the right of access to information.
Claims Designer is a universal online tool created by the Centre for anyone to file a lawsuit for denying access to information. Thanks to the designer, the claim will contain all the necessary information and the plaintiffs do not need to have specialized legal knowledge or spend money on lawyers.
If you would like to become a member of the Network of Defenders of the Right of Access Information, fill in the form and send it to indicting in the subject line “Network Form (Your Last Name)”.